Cultural intelligence providing customade and contextualized foresights and insights.
Cultural intelligence providing customade and contextualized foresights and insights.
Trend Reports
We help brands build thought leadership through curated deep-dives. We provide answers to future-facing questions, and identify consumer needs, early signs and trend manifestations. Validation through expert interviews, consumer labs, ethnographic studies or representative methodology as needed.
We deliver tailormade keynotes that decode and contextualize change for your specific category or question. Through inspiring and change triggering opinions and manifestations we aim to shake things up and unleash your organizations future-creative potential.
To better answer the “what if” questions, Trendbüro makes use of scenario thinking. We map drivers for scenarios of consumer priorities and trends and envision plausible future developments. These scenarios combine expertise from various disciplines. Our scenarios challenge presumed future developments and guide leaders towards better decisions.
Decoding Change
Stay on top of ever-changing Zeitgeist, Generational Shifts and Cultural Gamechangers with our foresights and contextualisations. Understand the drivers that will impact opportunities and change. Challenge us with the questions that give you sleepless nights regarding the what‘s coming and WHY.
What drives Germans 2022?
Meet the makers of “Projekt Zuversicht”, Germany’s largest social media listening project. 18.825.145 social media posts were analyzed to understand which values drive us in times of accelerated societal change.
Gain insight into our methodology, key take aways and collaborative team.
Want more insights?

Value Index Update 2022

Trends to Watch 2023

Decoding Communities